Is Your Business Safe from Disasters?
By making wise commercial insurance choices, you can protect your business against natural disasters. Commercial insurance protection will keep you from financial ruin if disaster strikes and will help you make a speedier business recovery. At Brock and Poole Insurance Agency, we can provide you with a customized commercial insurance package to suit your Collierville, TN business needs.
Here are a few ways commercial coverage can protect your business against natural disasters.
Property Protection
Whether you own or rent your business location, you’ll need insurance coverage to protect your building, business equipment, and inventory. Natural disasters like lightning, wind, hail, and snowstorms can cause serious damage to business property. Property insurance coverage will pay for the repair of your building or replacement of equipment and goods so you can move forward.
Liability Protection
General liability insurance protects your company against a lawsuit in the event customers are hurt on your business property. If a disaster strikes during business hours and customers sustain injuries due to broken windows or flying objects, your liability coverage will pay for their medical costs. In the event of a lawsuit, liability insurance will cover legal expenses as well as a settlement to protect your business assets.
Workers’ Comp
Your business should have an evacuation plan to protect employees in the event a disaster strikes while they’re on the job. By planning ahead, you make it easier for employees to escape dangerous situations during a disaster to avoid injury and harm. In the event of accidental injuries, your workers’ comp coverage will pay for medical expenses and lost wages of workers as they recover.
Advanced planning is key to protecting your business against disasters. A comprehensive commercial insurance policy from Brock and Poole Insurance Agency will protect your Collierville, TN business against catastrophes.